Christmas Concert Christmas Concert "The Singers of Caudium." Ancient Cathedral, 18.00. Photo gallery
Twinning Trevico-Salerno It strengthens the partnership between the associations Irpinia Mia of Trevico and Artists Salernitani of Salerno. The meeting will take place October 30 in Trevico, in Enogastronomic Station at presence of the mayor. Programm Photo gallery
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Feast of Madonna of Libera Madonna della Libera and coronation of the new Statue of artists Perathoner of Ortisei (BZ) Program
Presentation of the Work "AMEN MARIA" of Christina of Jesus Crucified To houre 19.00, at the Cathedral of Trevico, will present the new work by Cristina of Lagopesole at the presence of various speakers. Program
Cinema under the stars - Baronia Film Festival at 20.30 Film festival awards ceremony "Baronia Film Festival" - at 21.00 "Benvenuti al sud" Film
Cinema under the stars - Baronia Film Festival at 20.00 Rango - Cartoon for children at 22.00 "Femmine contro maschi" Film
Pasquale Stanislao Mancini and the question Church-State The Association P.S. Mancini of Trevico present the lectio magistralis of the magistrate Aldo Scola Program
Cinema under the stars - Baronia Film Festival at 21.00 "C´eravamo tanto amati" Tribute to Ettore Scola - P.za San Rocco
Saint Euplio Euplius Patron Saint, martyr of Catania. Program
- 16/08/2011
"Pathways of visual arts for Europe" Itinerant exhibition sponsored by ARTEUROPA of Avellino and AURA of Udine with the Association Irpinia My Trevico and the city of Trevico. Program Photo gallery
Competition Irpinia Mia The Association Irpinia Mia awards the winners of the eighth edition 2011. Program
- 10/08/2011
Pizza under the stars Five evenings dedicated to pizza, organized by the Municipality of Trevico and the Association Pizza & Pizza. Program Photo gallery
Painting Competition "Views of Trevico" The Association Irpinia Mia organizes a Painting Contest Extemporaneous to paint views of Trevico. Download the announcement Photo gallery
Compettion "Goccia Blu" The Association Irpinia Mia receive plaque from competition "Goccia Blu" organized by the Alto Calore Servizi of Avellino. Photo gallery
Twinning Trevico - Salerno The City of Trevico and the Association Programm Photo gallery
Celebration of Unification of Italy Castel Baronia native city of Pasquale Stanislao Mancini and Trevico, center of the Association P.S. Mancini, celebrate the Unification of Italy. Programm
Carnival Parade The Association Irpinia Mia organizes a Carnival parade through the streets of country, followed by popular games and sweets buffet. Programm Photo gallery
Dialect poets of Irpinia in ´900 The City of Trevico and Documentation Center on the poetry of South have a full program of poetry readings edited by Franca Molinaro. At the conclusion the parade of of chestnut wreath along 50 meters made ​​by Mariangela Cioria. Programm Photo gallery