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Trevico, known as the Roof of Irpinia, is the highest as well as the oldest village in the Barony. With its green forests and countryside, Trevico is the ideal setting for a day in the open air, in touch with nature.
Owing to its elevation at 1094 meters above sea level, Trevico offers a panoramic view of the entire valley.
Its wealth of cultural heritage goes back through the ages, from the time of the Longobards, to that of the Normans, the Aragonese, and on up to the present day.
Trevico, or Vico of Baronia city. Around 24 miles distant from Benevento was this City of the Irpinia, said vulgarly Trevico from three vichis, that together unite him. It is situated on the Appennino Mountain in a place great cold, and damp, full of smoke, for the firewood damp, and green that there are; whence it was Orazio in his trip to Brindisi said "tearful Villa not sine smoke". This Baronia was given in the principle of the Century XVI from Ferdinando the Catholic to Consalvo de Cordova, says the big Captain. It holds the City of his pertinence Anzano ancient destroyed Country, today Village, whose incomes belong to the Bishop. It was Episcopalian See passed from the City of Vico of Baronia, when it was destroyed, and the Episcopalian Residence in the Castello, feud of the house Loffredo, of damp and bad air, with number of people 3262.*
* From Historical description of the Kingdom in Naples divided in twelve provinces, of Giuseppe Maria Alfano. Napoli, Vincenzo Manfredi, 1798.
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