The Christmas of school pupils of Trevico The pupils of the school of Childhood, Primary and Secondary first degree invite you to the event which will be held Friday 21/12 at 14:30 at the premises of the school of Trevico.
- 09/09/2012
Feast of Madonna of Libera and S. Vito Celebrations in honor of the Madonna of Libera with Mass and Solemn Procession. September 9 dedicated to St. Vito in homonymous village. Programm Photo gallery
Patronal feast of S. Euplio Feast of St. Euplio, Patron of Trevico and Francavilla of Sicily (Messina), Patron of the Archdiocese of Catania Programm
- 19/08/2012
Baronia Film Festival The City of Trevico presents the second edition of Baronia Film Festival with a series of films and the presentation of "The Trevicante", dedicated to Ettore Scola Programm
Awarding of the winners of the ninth edition of the Competition Irpinia Mia with the participation of the Director of the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, Lo Russo, and the Bolognese artist Poggipollini. Programm
- 26/08/2012
Trevico summer 2012 The City of Trevico presents Summer 2012, a full calendar of events throughout the month of August Programm
Madonna of Fatima Immaculate Heart of Maria in the Church of V. Farullo. Mass and procession
S. Antonio of Padova Solemn Mass with singing of the church choir and blessing of bread of poor. Solemn procession
Corpus Domini Procession and Blessing of the garlanded prepared in the country.
Musical Pinocchio Students at the school of Trevico will perform in the Musical "Pinocchio." 10.00 am at the local of school. Invitation Photo gallery
Feast of Madonna of Addolorata Feast of Madonna of Libera with Mass at 11.00 and triumphal procession through the streets of town. Photo gallery
Pilgrimage to Madonna of Anzano Traditional pilgrimage to Madonna of Anzano di Puglia. Departure 7.00 am from the Cathedral. Photo gallery
Day of Volunteering First Day of volunteering organized by the Civil Protection of Flumeri in collaboration with the Institute "G. Pascoli" of Trevico and Vallata, with exhibition of works made by students at the school of Trevico. Station culinary 15.30. Photo gallery
Procession of Calvary Traditional procession of Calvary. Cathedral at 19.30.
The bonfires of St. Joseph At 20.00 are lit the traditional bonfires of S. Joseph accompanied by songs, dances and roasts.
Presentation of the journal Vicum 17.30 - In the headquarters of P.S. Mancini, in V. N. Petrilli presentation of the magazine VICUM, the second half of 2011, Lucia Lapenna coordinator. Program Photo gallery
Epiphanius concert of madrigals of Caudium In the Cathedral the Epiphany concert Madrigalisti of Caudium conducted by Maestro Pompeo Ferraro. Photo gallery