The cold, the silence and the new things Wednesday 18 in Treviso, at 19.00, at the birthplace of Ettore Scola, will be presented the film project "The cold, the silence and the new things." Program
Mestieri Domani on TG2 EAT PARADE Mestieri Domani will presented Friday, September 25, at 13.30, on TG 2 Eat Parade
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Feast of S. Vito Feast of St. Vitus in the homonymous village with holy mass and procession
Madonna of Libera Feast of Madonna of Libera with procession Program
Itinerant tg Rai 3 in Trevico Saturday, August 22 p.v. Tg "Itinerant" Rai 3 will stop in Trevico in the context of the promotion of the territories of Campania. Program Photo gallery
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Have dinner with us? Supporters of the mission Smyrna organize charity dinner, Station Enogastronomica, 19.30. Program Photo gallery
Festival of Pepper Town Hall of Trevico and Pro Loco Trevico organize the Festival of Pepper Stuffing. August 20, at 20.00, Station Enogastronomic Program
Time witches Screening of play of Prof. Elena Cuoco. 17:00 Palazzo Scola
Premiazione dei vincitori della XII Edizione. Ore 17.00 Palazzo Scola Award ceremony of the XII edition. 17.00 Palazzo Scola Photo gallery
S. Euplio Celebration of the Martyrdom "Dies Natalis" of Euplio Program
Postcard from Trevico The heading "Postcards from ..." Otto Channel discovering Trevico
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Dire fare mangiare Mariangela Cioria presents pepperoni filling
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- 06/09/2015
Books to Palazzo National Book Festival in collaboration with the City of Trevico, Youth Forum of Trevico Program
- 09/08/2015
Mestieri Domani Exhibition on ancient crafts reinterpreted by young designers. Presentation of the book "Tomorrow Crafts" Mariangela Cioria. 18.00 Palazzo Scola Program Photo gallery
Day of physical and food Will be held at Palazzo Scola, 9.30, the first edition of the Day of physical and food for the elderly organized by Omnia Irpinia Program
Second Informative Meeting for Equal Opportunities Wednesday, March 11, 2015 from 9:30 am, will be held at the Palazzo Scola Trevico of the Second Meeting Informative for Equal Opportunities, planned under Action 2 "Women Friendly Firms". Project TIME. Program
- 10/03/2015
The cinema at school Social engagement in film by Ettore Scola. Meeting with Silvia Scola, March 9 in Trevico 18.00; March 10 Ariano 10.30 Municipal Auditorium Poster Photo gallery
Carnival of Trevico From 16.00, at the gym Trevico, Kids Carnival, with entertainment and games for children Program
PROJECT T.E.M.P.O. - FILM SCREENING "Artemisia, extreme passion" We are at the penultimate meeting at the Palazzo Scola - TREVICO, the film festival. HOURS 16:00 to 20:00 FILM SCREENING "Artemisia, extreme passion, directed by A. Merlot. FILM SCREENING AND DEBATE on reconciliation with Dr. In-Rauseo Psychologist Psychotherapist Transactional Analysis and Angelo Scaperrotta
PROJECT T.E.M.P.O. - Screening of the film Bread and Tulips The meetings at the Palace Scola - TREVICO. HOURS 16:00 to 20:00
PROJECT T.E.M.P.O. - Screening of the film "The Circle" Saturday, January 10 HOURS 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Palazzo Scola, Trevico (AV).