Living nativity scene Historic Center Trevico, from 4.30pm to 8.30pm Manifest Photo gallery
Chestnut festival The Edition of the Chestnut Festival on the streets of the Old Town of Trevico Program
- 24/09/2017
City Mission with Fra Felice and his Missionary Community From September 19 to September 24, he will be in Trevico Fra Felice and his Missionary Community for the Citizens´ Mission Program
Day of Prevention At 16:00, meeting at Palazzo Scola. Free sightseeing tours at Enogastronomic Station Program
- 09/09/2017
Feast in honor of the Madonna della Libera and S. Vito Programma religioso Program
Day for the recognition, collection and cataloging of spontaneous plants August 21, starting at 9.30 with Maria Sonia Baldoni, the Herb Sibyl Program Photo gallery
Gesualdo - "Saperi e Sapori 2017" Presentation of the volume of Mariangela Cioria "Mestieri Domani"
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Presentation of the volume "Brushes - Trevico Memories" Palazzo Scola, 17.00, presentation of the book by Prof. Elena Cuoco, curated by prof. Salvatore Salvatore Photo gallery
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S. Euplio Patron Solemn celebrations in honor of St. Euplius Martyr and Patron. In the evening of the Audio 2 concert Photo gallery
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Stuffed Pepper Festival and Potato At 20.30 P.zza Nicola Ferrara. The evening will be enlivened by the music of "Eco Romagnolo"
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- 20/08/2017
Summer Trevico Civil Program "Summer Trevicana" Program
Roots: Tribute to Ettore Scola At 16.30, Palazzo Scola, Salerno artists will give the work inspired by Trevico and Ettore Scola Program Photo gallery
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- 25/08/2017
Estate Trevicana 2017 Full program of events to be held in Trevico from 6 to 25 August Program
The Tree of Legality roots The pupils of the primary and secondary school of Trevico present the Tree of Legality at the Gastronomic Station, at 4.30 pm Program
THE SECOND CIAK Tribute to Master Ettore Scola. Wednesday, May 10, 2017 16-18. Cultural Center ´Giuseppe Scola´ TREVICO. "Research and insights into the cinema of Ettore Scola" Program Photo gallery
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- 14/05/2017
WEEK WEEK WITH SAN GERARDO The St. Mary Assumption Parish of Trevico will host the relics of St. Gerard from 7 to 14 May Program Photo gallery
Juvenile Pastoral meets the youth of the Diocese Meeting at the Cathedral of Trevico of all the youth of the Diocese Photo gallery
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- 16/04/2017
Holy Week Program of Parish St. Mary Assunta Program
The Irpinia, Ariano and the Baronia to "Si, Viaggiare" on RAI-2 The cameras of "Yes, Traveling," the book of TG2 on travel and tourism, they come back again to visit Irpinia with a service Lucia Buffo dedicated to the beauty of Ariano and the Barony
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Festival of Cinegustologia Appointment in Trevico with a full calendar of events. Program
- 08/01/2017
Festival of Cinegustologia Tastings, exhibitions, screenings, restaurants cinegustologici, Guided tours: 5 to 8 January in Trevico, Vallesaccarda and Zungoli Program