- 21/12/2014 -
That face like a shadow of love
- 12/12/2014 -
Mcs visiting the Holy Shroud in Trevico
- 12/12/2014 -
"The sweet, nougat and honey in Barony," new appointment with the taste in Trevico
- 11/12/2014 -
Holy Shroud in Trevico, day of celebration for sport
- 11/12/2014 -
Playing Holy Shroud in Trevico | Video
- 10/12/2014 -
Echo of the opening party of "the house of paesologia"
- 09/12/2014 -
The reproduction of the Holy Shroud on display in the Cathedral of Trevico
- 08/12/2014 -
Trevico among the hundred municipalities in Italy to host a copy of the Holy Shroud
- 04/12/2014 -
Trevico, "Legumes in Baronia" in Vallesaccarda Eco-Gastronomica
- 21/11/2014 -
Reconciling family and work: two doors in the municipalities to reduce discomfort
- 19/11/2014 -
Trevico, to find that the silence has a sound
- 16/11/2014 -
Arminio and Irpinia view from Trevico
- 15/11/2014 -
Slow weekend in Trevico on "Chestnut in the Baronia"
- 13/11/2014 -
Vallesaccarda, Creativity Award to Horace
- 11/11/2014 -
Vallesaccarda eco-gastronomy. The program of the "Farm markets in the short chain"
- 10/11/2014 -
Vallesaccarda - Getting ready for the Farm Market "Vallesaccarda eco-gastronomic"
- 09/11/2014 -
I´ve never been in Trevico (but remember a movie)
- 20/10/2014 -
The home of ´paesologia´
- 10/10/2014 -
The relics of St. Pio come to Trevico. Crowd of faithful
- 08/10/2014 -
Trevico, arrival of the relics of Padre Pio
- 06/10/2014 -
Empowerment, mainstreaming and equal opportunities, start the project ´Time´
- 06/10/2014 -
Ettore Scola tells his memories
- 03/10/2014 -
Trevico - Arrival of the Relics of St. Pio
- 24/09/2014 -
Ettore Scola: "Poor Italian cinema? Rather poor Italian ..."
- 21/09/2014 -
Enjoyment, Ettore Scola: Irpinia in the first monographic exhibition dedicated to the director
- 21/09/2014 -
The Irpinia homage Scola and Servillo law "Trevico-Torino. Journey into the Fiat-Nam"
- 17/09/2014 -
"Pleasure, Ettore Scola." From 21 September to 12 October 2014, the Abbey of Sant´Angelo dei Lombardi in Goleto
- 15/09/2014 -
"Pleasure, Ettore Scola," an exhibition dedicated to the director
- 29/08/2014 -
Competition Irpinia Mia of Photography and Poetry, Start the XII edition. Here´s the announcement
- 29/08/2014 -
Trevico - XI Edition of the Competition Irpinia Mia of photography and poetry
- 15/08/2014 -
Trades and handicrafts shows in Trevico
- 27/07/2014 -
In Trevico the awarding of poetry
- 27/07/2014 -
Trevico, the cult of St. Euplio and the value of books
- 18/07/2014 -
Trevico, farmer crushed by the thresher. Is serious
- 24/05/2014 -
In Trevico start the Competition Irpinia Mia
- 18/03/2014 -
Return the Competition Irpinia Mia
- 06/03/2014 -
The Association Irpinia Mia at event ´Leguminosa´ in Naples
- 05/03/2014 -
"Leguminosa" to the fore the Association Irpinia Mia
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