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Competition My Irpinia 2011 << Back

Third Prize
Section Poetry
of Cipriano Maria Luigia

Aria spruzzata di mammole e viole.
Indugio alla finestra
per respirare rosa
e per una tregua
al mio giorno senza posa.
Mi calo,
nella culla dell'infinito
ove s'addormenta la tempesta quotidiana.
All'improvviso, uno sparo...
Sgomenta mi desto.
Sanguina l'ala impallinata
della bianca colomba
che ha lasciato il nido
per bere un sorso di luce.
Corre corre, felice e ansante il carnefice
alla zolla purpurea
ove la sua piccola preda giace.
Innocenza violentata...
S'autunna il mio cuore,
e serro la finestra
alle dolcezze della sera
del mite aprile.

<< Second prize

A dove, symbol of peace, leaving the nest to "take a sip of light", when a shot, suddenly, the wounds. The hunter came running happy to collect the booty. The poet, in assisting the event, is dismayed. The smell of the air, tasted in the spring evening, gives way to autumn in his heart, the sadness. There are many wounds that man can inflict: the nature, to his fellow men, to himself. Violence may be everywhere, but above all it is ignorance in not knowing what is bad. Fortunately, in the heart of man is also home to the sense of peace and justice. For this reason, poetry is the bearer of values.
Agostina Spagnuolo
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