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St. Maria of Anzano in Silice

St. Maria of Anzano in Silice The legend tells that the statue of the Madonna di Anzano was discovered towards the end of the twelfth century, by some herdsmen and shepherds of Trevico, Scampitella and Zungoli. In the bush saw a statue of the Virgin Mary covered by a blue mantle dotted with stars. She was sitting on a royal throne with her Child Jesus who claimed to turn, with his right, a globe surmounted by a cross and, with the other hand, a golden palm. The shepherds tried to carry the statue to the various locations of origin but the oxen, arrived at some point, they stopped. Last attempt, to go towards Scampitella, oxen halted in the resort currently called "Masserie" and did not move anymore. So it was decided to build there a small church in honor of the Madonna. They called S. Maria in Silice and its cure was entrusted to a hermit authorized by the Bishop of Trevico.
The feast of the Madonna is celebrated on the Monday after Pentecost and, every year, the faithful of Trevico, Zungoli and Scampitella, go to pilgrimage to Anzano di Puglia to honor her. On return, the faithful of Trevico are welcomed by Madonna Addolorata that is celebrated the next day. At one time, the faithful, on the way back, they stopped at a cave in the territory said R 'cost' r 'la Maronna, since it had been donated by the faithful to the Madonna, or the croc' as there is a cross of the Passionist Fathers. This cave contained the image the Madonna di Monserrat carved in stone. Here they waited for the arrival of the Madonna of Carmine, sang a litany, and they went down the i walk. This Madonna, dating from around 1600, is situated on a piece of wood, in the house of the heirs La Ferrara, facing Anzano di Puglia.

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