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The fountains

The fountains The territory of Trevico is littered sources on which were built several fountains from which still Today gushing water. At one time the fountains were the only source of water for the population. Not having running water in house, the fountains were especially meeting place for women who came there to wash clothes. For some it was a real job: the laundresses washed especially the role of wealthy families. The work was very tiring since the fountains, were located mostly outside the country and therefore, it also had to bring back the clothes wet in big baskets carried on the head. The detergents were prepared in the home, such as the l'ssia formed from a mixture of ash and water.
Today the fountains from which flows still drinking water are: Monsignore in the woods Coste of St. Stephen; Pescarella and Palombi near the village; Pilusc' in Molini recently restored; Pescara on road towards the hamlet of S. Vito, this recently renovated; two other fountains are located in a resort Lungarella and the other in the resort Veceto.

The fountains

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