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The feudal lords

List of lords of Trevico since the XIV century to XIX century, according to the reconstruction shown in Istoria de' feudi delle Due Sicilie, Vol. IV of Erasmo Ricca - 1869.

Queen Sancha Queen Sancia, wife of King Roberto d'Angiò, from whom he received in gift the feud in the first half of the fourteenth century.

Raimondo del Balzo, Count of Soleto and Grand Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Naples, married with Marguerite d'Aquino and Isabella d'Apia in a second marriage. He purchased the feud in 1343.

Niccolò Orsino, grandson of Raymond, Count of Nola and Count of Soleto. Succeeded his uncle in 1375 and married De Sabrano of the Counts of Ariano by whom he had two children: Robert and Raymond.

Raimondo Del Balzo Orsino, son of Nicholas, said Raimondello, Count of Soleto and Prince of Taranto. He succeeded his father in 1393. She married Maria d'Enghien.

Giovanni Antonio del Balzo Orsino, Prince of Taranto, inherited the feud from his father in 1418.

Gabriele del Balzo Orsino, duce of Venosa, brother of Giovanni Antonio received the the feud in 1421 after a reallocation of property of his father. She married Giovanna Caracciolo daughter of the Grand Seneschal Sergianni.

Maria Donata Del Balzo Orsino, wife of Pirro del Balzo, Prince of Altamura, received the feud from his father in 1454.

Isabella del Balzo, daughter of Maria Donata received in dowry the feud in 1482 following the marriage with Frederick of Aragon, King of Naples.

Regina Sancha Giovanni Borgia d'Aragona, Duke of Candia and Sessa, Prince of Teano, Count of Calvi and Grand Constable of the Kingdom of Naples, received the the feud by Frederick in 1497 in exchange for his services.

Consalvo Fernandez De Corduba, Great Captain, received the the feud in 1507 by King Ferdinand the Catholic.

Elvira De Corduba, inherited from his father in 1515.

Francesco de Loffredo 1°, said Cecco, regent of the Royal Chancellery, president of the Holy Royal Council, Vice-Pronotorio of the Kingdom, Knight of the Sedile of Capuana. He purchased the feud in 1515 by Elvira. She married Beatrice Caracciolo, Baroness of Montefalcone.

Ferdinando 2° de Loffredo, inherited the the feud June 9, 1547 when his father died. In 1548 he became the first Marquis of Trevico giving rise to the series of Marquis described in ' The Marquises '.

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