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The Bishops

The following is a list of possible bishops who have succeeded in the Diocese of Trevico.

Benedict, around the year 964 seconds the acts of the Roman council of Pope John XII (1).

Amato I, considered the first known bishop, in 1135 signed the donation made by Richard Toparca Visano to the monastery of S. Mary of Monte Vergine, of the Church of S. Giovanni with the hamlet of Aequatae (Acquara). In October 1143, last year of his bishopric, he agreed, along with Richard Sir of Trevico, to the donation, by Abbot Landenoffo, of the Church of S. Maria Guardiola to the Abbot Falcone of the monastery Cavens(1,4,12).

John, is mentioned as Bishop of Trevico that, along with Bishop William of Ariano, proceeded to Consecration of the Church of St. Cataldo of Montezungoli in 1164(9).

Roggero or Roger, which in 1179 he participated in the general council of Lateran III and signed with other suffragan of Benevento(1,4).

Amato II, commemorated in a document that established the rector of the Church of St. Euplius in 1183(1).

Rufino, took part in the consecration of the Church of St. Marco in Bovino on 18/05/1197(7).

Peter, 1212-1221.

Raymond or Rainald de Zottoni, citizen and canonical of Benevento, was elected bishop in 1252 by Pope Innocent IV with the letter Patitio tua nobis and remained there until 1264 when it exempted the monastery of St. Giovanni dell'Acquara and other possessions of Montevergine from their jurisdiction(1,4,10).

Rinaldo, 1266, is mentioned in a document dated 1284 in which it was agreed that the Bishop Rinaldo had some lunch to Canons in the most solemn day of the year, among which are the feasts of St. Euplio and of the Madonna of Libera.

John I, 2 August 1299, was named in a letter of indulgence of the archbishop of Benevento in 25 August 1306, part of the scrolls on the cult of Santa Cristina Sepino(8).

Fr. Peter Portobella, Dominican, commemorated in the year 1320 by all the chroniclers and historians of the order of Preachers, said Portello, Catalan. Suffragan of Metropolitana of Benevento, was promoted by Pope John XXII in 1320(1).

John II, bishop of Trevico in 1340, present in Naples at the consecration of the church of Santa Chiara, dies in 1344(1,4).

Fr. Gerard or Geraldo, Dominican, was elected April 17, 1344 by Clement VI, consecrated in Rome by Cardinal Giovanni Bishop of Porto. The May 11, 1346 was transferred to Rampolla by the same Pontiff. Died in 1349(1.4).

Fr. Ponzio Excondevilla, elected by Clement VI in June 9, 1345, was transferred to Trevico from Montemarano in May 15 1346 and remained there until 1373(1,4).

Iudi John III, commemorated in the book of the prelates Obligation(1,4).


Fr. Ludwig, Franciscan, in August 4, 1371 was in Lamburgo with the friars of his order. There are notices of its belonging to church of Trevico from a scroll of the Vatican(1).

Donato, is Bishop at December 15, 1406(1,4).

Stefano Novello from Carrara, according to Francesco Scipione, bishop of Padua, was transferred in unknown date between 1412 and 1422 to Trevico in Baronia, following the passage of the city of Padua to the domain of Veneto(3).

Niccolò Saraceno Carbonelli, of Trevico, Archdeacon elected bishop in August 4, 1422, died in 1434, commemorated in acts Consistorial(1,4).

Anthony Morelli, Archdeacon, succeeded to Nicholas on December 20 of that year(1,4).

Gregory Attacchi, or George Armato, Archbishop of Oristano in Sardinia, was moved to Trevico February 18 1451. On 25 October of that same year he was transferred back to Oristano where he died in 1454(1,4).

Michael Saraceno, elected in May 19, 1475 and resigned in 1497(1,4).

Jacopo Torella, replaced Michael in October 27, 1497(1,4).

Jerome or James Saraceno, died in 1521(4).

Sixth Ignatius Armellini, Dean of the Chapter of Cassano, was elected in May 10, 1521 and died in 1541 after 20 years(1,4).

Sebastian Graziani of Ancona was elected Bishop of Segni, was transferred to Trevico in January 10, 1541, and gave it up in 1548(1,4).

Francesco De Leo, doctor of theology and rector of Altavilla in the diocese of Benevento, took over from Sebastian in July 13, 1548 and died in 1562(1,4).

Augustine Mollignato or Folignatti, of Vercelli, promoted to the position of Senator of the Senate of Turin by the Duke Emanuele Filiberto, ambassador of the Council of Trent by the Duke of Savoy, was elected bishop of the Trevico the 23 May 1563 by Pope Pius IV and was transferred to the seat of Bertinoro in September 25, 1564. He died in Turin in 1579(1,4,11).

Jerome Politi, of Cremona, Dominican, bishop since October 24, 1564 (Pope Pius IV) to 1575 year of the death . in 1561 taught theology at the Sapienza University in Rome. On 11 April 1567 he participated to provincial council held in Benevento from Cardinal Giacomo Savelli(1,4,5).

Benedict II (Bernardino) Oliva, of L'Aquila, elected in 24 August 1575, died five months later in Rome where he was buried in the church of Aracoeli(1,4).

Fr. Antonio Balducci II, Dominican from Forlì, Inquisitor General in Rome, he was succeeded by 6 February 1576, elected by Pope Gregory XIII. Died four years later, 18 March 1580(1,4).

Alfonso Pardo, elected 22 June 1580, remained there until his death in 1603(1,4).

Fr. Gregory II Servanzi from San Severino, Dominican, eminent theologian of Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini, learned and valiant preacher, he was promoted in 1604, by Clement VIII, to the bishopric of Trevico for facilitating the passage of Duchy of Ferrara to the Church after the misappropriation of Cesare d'Este. He wrote a treatise on immunity ecclesiastical printed in Bologna in 1606. He renounced the bishopric in 1607 and died the following year in Camerino where he was buried near the friars of his order(1,4).

Jerome II Mezzamico, of Castel Bolognese, won the seat the 27 December 1607 and died in 1636. Established in each parish the archive with the register of baptisms, marriages, the dead and families. Favored the coming in Castelbaronia of the community Franciscan Alcantarina (1,4).

Horace Muscettola, of Naples, succeeded him the 7 April 1636 and died two years later(1,4).

Fabio Magnesi, was bishop the 19 April 1638 and two years later became to seat of Ostuni(1,4).

Sylvester of Afflitti or D'Afflitto, of Troia, Cleric Regular of Teano, succeed it the 11 February 1640 promoted by Pope Urban VIII. On 23 February 1643, was transferred to Lucera. Died in August of 1661 leaving a manuscript on the Theology Scholastic(1,4).

Alessandro Sarzilla or Salzilla, succeeded it the 23 February 1643 and on 14 May of 1646 passed in Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi. Died in 1648(1,4).

Donato Pascasio II, monaco Celestine, was elected the 30 June 1646 and died the 13 February 1664 in Castello of Baronia (now Castel Baronia), in 1656 gave a bone of St. Euplio to the Fathers of the Society of Jesus of Catania(1,4).

Mark Baccina or Vaccina of Afragola, succeeded it the 8 July 1664 by spreading harmony, morality, the study of literature and science among the population. Falling ill in 1671, he moved to Afragola where he died the 26 August 1671. Word came in Trevico, in the Cathedral was celebrated a lavish funeral with special inscriptions. After a few days the most educated of the entire diocese gathered to mourn his death with a collection of compositions painted him as a man of great knowledge, very beneficial, friend of the unfortunate, enemy of all pomp(1,2,4).

Tisbia Luke, Theatine of Melfi, succeeded him the 20 January 1672, died the 25 April 1693 in Castel Baronia(1,4).

Francis Proto, of Marquis Specla, of Naples, succeeded it in 14 September 1693. He held several times the diocesan Synod in his cathedral. During the first, held on September 8, 1694 on the occasion of the veneration of the Virgin of Libera, a terrible earthquake destroyed many buildings including the sacristy and the bell tower of the cathedral which was fixed to the best. On 1 July 1701 the bishop died and was replaced by the vicar capitular Francis Colmeta, of Trevico and Archdeacon(1,4).

Carmine Thomas Pascucci of Frigento, distinguished historian and canonist, abbot of St. Croce, born the 20 December 1653 to Frigento, appointed bishop of Trevico in 1700 by Pope Clement XI. He died on 4 October 1701, before it can take possession of the bishopric. He wrote a compendium reasoned by the famous canonist James Pignatelli(5,6).

Simon Viglini, of Naples, took over in December 1702. He strove to reform of costumes and the repair of damage caused by recent disasters. Celebrated most Synods. In the second, which was held in 29 September 1704 placed, after legal recognition, the sacred remains of the patron Saint Euplio in the high altar and on this occasion he composed a hymn in his honor; helped the rebuilding of the church of S. Euplio in Aquarii oppiai in which donated a relic of Saint. On March 4, 1720 he was transferred to Tricarico where he died July 23 of that year(1,4).

Dominic Filomarino, Theatine of Naples, learned and zealous pastor, arch-defender of ecclesiastical liberty, succeeded him the 19 April 1720, elected by Clement XI. Died in 1733(1,4).

Francisco Antonio de Leonardis, born in the diocese of Capua (Castel de Falchi, 12 December 1684), formerly canonical and archpriest of that metropolitan, was promoted bishop of Trevico in 1730. In 1733 proposed to create a Seminar for preparation spiritual and cultural of aspirants to priesthood. On 15 July 1739 was transferred to bishopric of Bisceglie and died in 1762(1,4).

Bernard Onorato Buonocore, born the 18 August 1700 in Ischia by Nicholas Onorato and Antonia Sirabella, succeeded him the same day; died in 31 December 1773(1,4).

Joseph Pasquale Rogani, of the Diocese of Rossano, professor of Sacred Theology and pronotario apostolic took over after the death of Onorato, the 9 May 1774 and celebrated a synod the 7 August 1785. Died the 21 June 1791(1,4).

Augustine Gregory Golino, of Giuliano, Napoli (28 August 1728), succeeded him the 27 February 1792 (died in 1813) and was the last bishop since the diocese of Trevico, in 1818, was merged with that of Lacedonia, where he was bishop Francesco Ubaldo Romanzo(1,4).

On 14 April 1969 was appointed titular bishop of Trevico Edmund Ilcewicz, died the 12 September 1981.
The 15 January 1982 took over S.E.R. Johannes Antonius de Kok, OFM, Auxiliary Bishop of Utrecht.
1. Le Chiese d'Italia, dalla loro origine sino ai nostri giorni - Opera del canonico Giuseppe Cappelletti, veneziano - Volume Vigesimo - Venezia, Stabilimento nazionale dell'editore Giuseppe Antonelli - 1866
2. Memorie storiche del comune di Afragola - Raccolte da Giuseppe Castaldi - Napoli, Tipografia Sangiacomo - 1830
3. Dissertazione ottava sopra l'istoria ecclesiastica padovana - Opera di Francesco Scipione, vescovo di Padova e conte di Piove di Sacco - Tipografia del seminario di Padova - 1815
4. Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica. Da S. Pietro sino ai nostri giorni - Compilato dal Cav. Gaetano Moroni Romano, secondo aiutante di camera di sua Santità Pio IX - Vol LXXX - Venezia, Tipografia Emiliana - 1856
5. Storia della Cattedra di Avellino e de' suoi pastori - Cav. Giuseppe Zigarelli - Vol II - Napoli, Stamperia del Vaglio - 1856
6. Memorie storiche degli scrittori nati nel Regno di Napoli - Compilate da Camillo Minieri Riccio - Napoli, Tipografia dell'Aquila di V. Puzziello, nel Chiostro di S. Tommaso D'Aquino - 1844
7. Le due bibbie di Bovino ora codici vaticani latini 10510-10511 e le loro note storiche - Marco Vattasso - Bibliolife
8. Santa Cristina, Sepino.
9. Saggio di codice diplomatico formato sulle antiche scritture dell' Archivio di Stato di Napoli - Camillo Minieri Riccio - 1878
10. L'archivio storico dell'Abbazia benedettina di Montevergine: inventario di Montevergine (Abbey). Archivio storico, Giovanni Mongelli
11. Istoria della vercellese letteratura ed arti, Volume 2 - Gaspare De Gregori - Torino, Tipografia Chirio e Mina, 1820
12. L'esperienza monastica benedettina e la Puglia: atti del Convegno di studio organizzato in occasione del XV centenario della nascita di San Benedetto - Di Cosimo Damiano Fonseca

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