Home - The Baronia - Castel Baronia Vai alla versione italiana Saturday 08 February 2025 10:51

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Town of Castel Baronia

Coat of arms of town hall of Castel Baronia
Inhabitant: 1148 (561M 587F)
Surface: 15 Kmq
Altitude: 639 m s.l.m.
Phone Code: 0827
Postal Code: 83040

In the Middle Ages, the original village was part of the locality of Acquara, but in 1350 it was destroyed by Mariotto, on order of the feudal lord, S. Angelo dei Lombardi. The new Castel Baronia was built around the sanctuary of S. Maria of Fratte and was a fief of Orsini, D'Aquino and Caracciolo.
The Church of Maria SS. of Fratte, in Gothic style, is formed from an aisle with two side chapels. The bell tower goes up again to 1936 while the greatest altar, of the XVIII century, is constituted by marbles in polychromy. To the inside it is possible to admire a baptismal source of the XVIII century.
Noteworthy are the Church of Madonna della Fratte, and also the birthplace of the great jurist and politician, Pasquale Stanislao Mancini. The house of his birth dates most likely to the mid XVIII century and still has the original entrance gate.

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