Home - The Baronia - San Nicola Baronia Vai alla versione italiana Friday 07 February 2025 13:18

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Town of San Nicola Baronia

Coat of arms of town hall of San Nicola Baronia
Inhabitant: 778 (387M 391F)
Surface: 6,87 Kmq
Altitude: 610 m s.l.m.
Phone Code: 0827
Postal Code: 83050

In the XVI century this locality was just a small country house called S. Nicola de Ripa. In the Middle Ages it was joined to the Barony of Vico. It was fief of Del Balzo, of Carafa and of Caracciolo di S. Vito, which retained it until 1806.
The SS. Annunziata Church was built on the ruins of an ancient church destroyed in the earthquake of 1930. Preserved inside is a valuable painting of the Annunciation from 1700. Attached to the church is a bell tower, having three levels and a town clock.

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