Home - The Baronia - San Sossio Baronia Vai alla versione italiana Friday 07 February 2025 12:05

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Town of San Sossio Baronia

Coat of arms of town hall of San Sossio Baronia
Inhabitant: 1671 (819M 852F)
Surface: 19 Kmq
Altitude: 650 m s.l.m.
Phone Code: 0827
Postal Code: 83050

The first record of this town goes back to 1299 when it was a Vico country house. It was subsequently the property of the families Del Balzo Orsini and De Loffredo. In the XIV century it was taken over by outlaws. It has been destroyed several times by earthquakes.
The Parochial Church is in the Gothic style with typical rose windows in the center of the facade and two small madonna statues on either side of the main entrance.
A stone fountain dating back to the beginning of the 1600's. Carved on the memorial stone above the basins are coats of arms from the Loffredo and S. Sossio families.

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