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Events 2009

Un Mondo di Sapori Antichi a Roma 07/12/2009  -
Un Mondo di Sapori Antichi a Roma
Presentation of the book of Mariangela Cioria in Rome, to the Exhibition of Small and Medium Publishing, with the participation of Ettore Scola.
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Un mondo di Sapori Antichi 27/09/2009  -
Un mondo di Sapori Antichi
Presentation of book of Mariangela Cioria, Enogastronomic Station of Trevico.
Bicentenario della nascita di Pietro Paolo Parzanese 08/08/2009  - 12/08/2009
Bicentenary of the birth of Pietro Paolo Parzanese
The Centro Studi Eupliani and the Association Mancini Vicum present the celebration in honour of the bicentenary of birth of Parzanese and the Saint Patron Euplio.
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Trevico cristiana 08/08/2009  -
Trevico cristiana
Presentation of book of Emilio Paglia, near the school of Trevico.
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