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The Baronia

Carife Carife
The first historical evidence of Carife dates back to 1266, when he was a house owned by the Diocese of Trevico. In 1269, during the rule of the Angioini, was...
Castel Baronia Castel Baronia
During the Middle Ages, the primitive village was in locality Acquara. In 1350, however, was destroyed by the robber Mariotto on the orders of the feudal lord of S. Angelo...
Flumeri Flumeri
Of Middle Ages, is situated on the valley crossed by streams Ufita and Fiumarella. In locality Fioccaglia, are the remains of an ancient city dating...
San Nicola Baronia San Nicola Baronia
In the XVI century was a small hamlet called St. Nicola de Ripa. In the Middle Ages was tied to the Baronia of Vico. Was feud of Del BAlzo, Carafa and of...
San Sossio Baronia San Sossio Baronia
The first notice of country date back to 1299 when it was the hamlet of Vico. It was later owned by households Del Balzo Orsini and of Loffredo. In XIV...
Scampitella Scampitella
It was locality of Trevico until 1948. Numerous archaeological remains dating back to medieval ages, when the house was hamlet of Barony...
Vallata Vallata
The town is of medieval origin as evidenced by the many bottlenecks, squares, palaces and ancient stone portals. Included in the Baronia of...
Vallesaccarda Vallesaccarda
In the Middle Ages followed the historical and administrative provisions of the Baronia of Vico. It was village of Trevico until 1958. It is crossed by the river...
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