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Events 2010

Magic Christmas 2010 28/12/2010  - 29/12/2010
Magic Christmas 2010
Great Christmas Concert with the Orchestra Sinfonica PLOVDIN-SOFIA (Bulgaria). Presentation of studies on P.S. Mancini
Look video
Mancini protagonista dell´Unità d´Italia 30/10/2010  -
Mancini protagonist of Unification of Italy
Lecture by Hon. Gerardo Bianco.
Madonna della Libera 08/09/2010  -
Madonna of Libera
Celebrations in honor of Madonna of Libera
Cena di beneficenza 22/08/2010  -
Charity dinner
The Association Irpinia Mia organize a charity dinner for the collection of funds for projects related to water for people in Africa.
Mercatino delle Cosette 14/08/2010  -
Market of "Cosette"
VI Edition of Market with the Molotov band - Taranta
S. Euplio 12/08/2010  -
S. Euplio
Feast of the Patron Saint Euplio
Un giorno lungo 40 anni 11/08/2010  -
A long day forty
Theatrical Performance of Gianfranco D´Angelo
I poeti della Baronia dall´Unità d´Italia al fascismo 10/08/2010  -
The poets of Baronia from Unification of Italy to Fascism
By the Center Studi Eupliani, the Association P.S. Mancini and the Documental Center of poetry of Sud
Photo gallery
Festa sotto al Tiglio 10/08/2010  -
Party under the linden
Dancing in the square under the old linden
Laboratorio didattico per bambini 09/08/2010  -
Educational workshop for children
Near N. Ferrara will be held an educational workshop for pasta and salt for children.
Mancini giurista nel processo unitario d´Italia 09/08/2010  -
Mancini jurist in the unitary trial of Italy
The Center Studi Eupliani and the Association P.S. Mancini present: The project studies and research.
Photo gallery
Un maestrino a Conza della Campania 08/08/2010  -
Un maestrino a Conza della Campania
Presentation of book of Emilio Paglia, near the Enogastronomic Station of Trevico.
Premiazione vincitori Concorso Irpinia Mia 01/08/2010  -
Awarding winners Competition Irpinia Mia
Near the Enogastronomic Station of Trevico the awarding of winners of VII Edition of Competition Irpinia Mia.
Settimana della Cultura 24/04/2010  - 25/04/2010
Culture Week
As part of Culture Week in Trevico provided the visit of the frescoes in the Crypt and of the Old Cathedral.
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