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Events 2014

Maxi Tombolata 28/12/2014  -
Maxi Tombola
Proloco Trevico, Sunday, December 28 at 21, living school canteen, organizes maxi tombola with sparkling wine and panettone final
Tombola di Pulcinella 26/12/2014  -
Tombola of Pulcinella
At the gym of the school Trevico, 18.00, magic show; 19.00 bingo for children; 20.30 bingo for adults
Progetto T.E.M.P.O. - Proiezione del film "Pane e Tulipani" 22/12/2014  -
Project T.E.M.P.O. - Screening of the film "Bread and Tulips"
16-20.00 hours, Palazzo Scola, Trevico, screening of the film "Bread and Tulips", directed by S. Soldini. Following discussions.
Progetto T.E.M.P.O. - Proiezione del film "Il cerchio" 19/12/2014  -
Project T.E.M.P.O. - Screening of the film "The Circle"
16:00 to 20:00 hours, at Palazzo Scola, Trevico, screening of the film "The Circle", directed by Jafar Panahi. Following discussions
Progetto T.E.M.P.O. - Proiezione del film "Le meraviglie" 13/12/2014  -
Project T.E.M.P.O. - Screening of the film "The Wonders"
16:00 to 20:00 hours, Palazzo Scola, Trevico, screening of the film "The Wonders", directed by Alice Rohrwacher. Following discussions
Slow week-end - Itinerari a tema per le strade della Baronia 13/12/2014  -
Slow weekend - Theme tours the streets of the Baronia
11.30, Palazzo Scola, Trevico, "Desserts of Christmas tradition of the Barony."
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La Sacra Sindone ritorna in Irpinia 10/12/2014  - 20/10/2014
The Holy Shroud back in Irpinia
On December 10, the Holy Shroud will arrive in Trevico and will remain on display until 20 December. You can visit every day from 8.00 to 20.00 in the Old Cathedral Trevico
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Slow week-end - Itinerari a tema per le strade della Baronia "I legumi in Baronia" 06/12/2014  -
Slow weekend - Theme tours the streets of the Barony "Legumes in Baronia"
11.30 - Historic Centre of Trevico, Palazzo Giuseppe Scola. Presentation of the food communities of Terra Madre biodiversity of legumes of the Baronia. Taste Workshop: "Legumes, use in cooking and local craftsmanship"
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Progetto T.E.M.P.O. - Proiezione del film "Norma Rae" 05/12/2014  -
Project T.E.M.P.O. - Screening of the film "Norma Rae"
Trevico, Palazzo Scola, 16:00 to 20:00 hours. Screening of the film "Norma Rae", directed by Martin Ritt. Following discussions.
Progetto T.E.M.P.O. - Proiezione del film "A casa non si torna" 29/11/2014  -
Project T.E.M.P.O. - Screening of the film "A house does not return"
Hours 16:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Palazzo Scola Trevico. Quindo meeting film festival with a screening of the film "A house does not return" Directed by Lara Rognoni and Giangiacomo De Stefano. Following discussions
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Progetto T.E.M.P.O - Proiezione del film "Sognando Beckham" 21/11/2014  -
Project TIME - Screening of the film "Bend It Like Beckham"
Hours 16:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Palazzo Scola Trevico. The fourth meeting of film festival with a screening of the film "Bend It Like Beckham", directed by Gurinder Chadha. Following discussions
Slow week-end - Itinerari a tema per le strade della Baronia 15/11/2014  -
Slow weekend - Theme tours through the streets of the Baronia
11.30 - Historic Centre of Trevico, Palazzo Giuseppe Scola Taste Workshop "The chestnut, used in cooking and local craftsmanship" - by Irpinia Mia
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 Progetto T.E.M.P.O. - Proiezione del film "Mi piace lavorare" 15/11/2014  -
Project T.E.M.P.O. - Fil screening "I like to wolr"
HOURS 16:00 to 20:00 at the "Palace Scola" - Vico Scola - TREVICO (AV) will be the THIRD meeting of the project CNEMATOGRAFICA REVIEW TIME. FILM SCREENING "I like to work" Directed by Francesca Comencini and follow DEBATE
Progetto T.E.M.P.O. - Proiezione del film "Frida" 08/11/2014  -
Project T.E.M.P.O. - Showing of the film "Frida"
HOURS 16:00 to 20:00 at the "Palace Scola" - Vico Scola - TREVICO (AV) will be the second meeting of the project FILM FESTIVAL TIME
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Progetto T.E.M.P.O. - Proiezione del film "La famiglia" 31/10/2014  -
Progect T.E.M.P.O.
HOURS 16:00 to 20:00 at the "Palace Scola" - Vico Scola - TREVICO (AV):
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Presentazione del libro "Filomena Pennacchio, la brigantessa ritrovata" di Andrea Massaro 25/10/2014  -
Presentation of the book "Filomena Pennacchio, la brigantessa ritrovata" of Andrea Massaro
The character and history of the robber Filomena Pennacchio. The book presentation will take place at 18.00 on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at the council hall of San Sossio Baronia
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Arrivo delle Reliquie di San Pio da Pietrelcina a Trevico 10/10/2014  - 12/10/2014
Arrival of the Relics of St. Pio of Pietrelcina in Trevico
Arrival of the Relics, testimonies and anecdotes on the profile of the life of Padre Pio
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Piacere Ettore Scola 20/09/2014  - 12/10/2014
Placement Ettore Scola
Irpinia in the first monographic exhibition dedicated to the director.
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San Vito 09/09/2014  -
Saint Vito
Feast in honor of San Vito. Mass, procession, popular games, concert and fireworks
Madonna della Libera 08/09/2014  -
Madonna of Libera
Feast in honor of Madonna of Libera
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Felice... mente 14/08/2014  -
Happy... mind
Presentation of the book of Grazie Roncaglia "Happy ... mind." 17.00 House in Culture House of Giuseppe Scola
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Festività in onore di S. Euplio Patrono 12/08/2014  -
Feast in honour of S. Euplio
Celebrations in honor of the Patron Euplio with a solemn Mass and triumphal procession. In the evening concert of the "Audio 2" and fireworks
Concorso Irpinia Mia 10/08/2014  -
Competition Irpinia Mia
Awarding winner of XI Edition. Hour 17 in Casa della Cultura Giuseppe Scola.
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Pizza sotto le stelle 08/08/2014  - 10/08/2014
Pizza under the stars
Location S. Antuono at Station Enogastronomic
Estate con noi 07/08/2014  - 28/09/2014
Summer with us
The City of Trevico, together with the Pro-Loco Trevico, organize the Summer of Trevico
Pasquetta Open Air 21/04/2014  -
Easter Open Air
Easter in Trevico, in the Enogastronomic Station with food and wine menu based on local product, music and games. By the Slow Food Irpinia, Taurasi and Colline of Ufita, with the collaboration of the Pro Loco of Trevico and under the patronage of the Municipality of Trevico
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Leguminosa - Tutti i colori della terra 07/03/2014  - 09/03/2014
Leguminosa - All the colors of the earth
The Association Irpinia Mia will participate in the Leguminosa to be held in Naples, nineteenth-century Galleria Umberto I. Will be represented the territory and the products of the Baronia
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