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Events 2016

PAT - Prodotti Agroalimentari Tradizionali 20/12/2016  -
PAT - Prodotti Agroalimentari Tradizionali
The conferences of the Festival: Respect the traditions and consumer protection
FESTIVAL DELLA CINEGUSTOLOGIA 08/12/2016  - 08/01/2017
Festival of Cinegustologia
Born on the ´roof´ of the Campania Cinegustologia Festival. Cinema and Fine Dining to Tell the Irpinia. First edition entirely dedicated to Ettore Scola in the year of the USA disappeared
Inaugurazione campana 07/12/2016  -
Inauguration of the new bell
Inauguration of the new bell Cathedral of SS. Maria Assunta. 10.30 N. Ferrara
Giornata dell´Unità Nazionale e delle Forze Armate 04/11/2016  -
National Unity Day and Armed Forces
In memory of the fallen of all wars, our Trevico communities wish to pray for the defenders of the homeland and for all those who risk their lives to ensure peace and justice among peoples
Sagra della Castagna e della Patata 29/10/2016  -
Chestnut and Potato
Along the streets of the historic center of Treviso typical dishes of potatoes and chestnuts
Festa in onore di S. Rocco 24/09/2016  - 25/09/2016
Feast in honour of S. Rocco
Festivities in honor of St. Rocco with SS. Mass and afternoon procession. fireworks and music show in the evening with ballroom dancing
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Festa di S. Vito 09/09/2016  -
Feast of S. Vito
Festivities in honor of San Vito with SS. Mass and procession starting from the Cathedral. afternoon games and music evening show with the complex melody Nostrana
Festa della Madonna della Libera 07/09/2016  - 08/09/2016
Feast of Madonna of Libera
September 7, Vigil of the Feast of Our Lady: preparation by fasting and confession. September 8: Feast in honor of Madonna della Libera with SS. Messe, afternoon procession and musical evening of The Thugs of Dreams
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Apertura della POrta Santa 01/09/2016  -
Opening of the Holy Door
17.30, Trevico Cathedral: Don Massimiliano Palinuro, Rector of the Cathedral of Izmir in Turkey, will open the Holy Door with the parish community of Trevico. It will leave in procession from the Church of St. Rocco at 17:30
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Saperi & Sapori 19/08/2016  -
Saperi & Sapori
Gesualdo: 17.00 ROOM OF THE TOWER OF THE CASTLE BELVEDERE: Presentation of the book "Who appartieni- Ettore Scola - Trevico" with authors Mariangela Cioria and Giuliana Caputo and with representatives of A.S.T.R.E.A. Gesualdo, Amm. Comunale, Irpinia GAL and other collaborating bodies
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Ridendo e Scherzando 18/08/2016  -
Ridendo e Scherzando
21 hours, Palazzo Scola, screening of the documentary by Paola Laughing and Joking and Silvia Scola with the intervention of Paul Speranza
Festa di S. Euplio 12/08/2016  -
Feast of S. Euplio
Festival in honor of the Patron Saint Euplio with SS. Mass and afternoon procession. In the evening concert of the Terranostra
Convegno sulla legalità 11/08/2016  -
Conference on the legality
17:00 Palazzo Scola, with Don Aniello Manganiello, anticamorra priest, pastor of Scampia
"Omaggio a Ettore Scola" 03/08/2016  - 20/08/2016
"Homage to Ettore Scola"
Group exhibition of Artists Center of Salerno. Opening August 7
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Tappa 6 di Estate in Irpinia 2016 31/07/2016  -
Stage 6 of Summer 2016 in Irpinia
The Stage 6 tomorrow, Sunday 31 July for a trip to the oil discovery Ravece Dop. the discussion topics of the day the former Irisbus and the accumulator. In the evening at Palazzo Scola the screening of "Trevico-Torino - Travel in the Fiat-Nam"
Inaugurazione Prosciutteria Giovanniello 24/07/2016  -
Prosciutteria Giovanniello inauguration
17.30, Via Roma, opening of the Gourmet Seasoning Caves and space
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Passeggiate letterarie tra i Castelli d´Irpinia 09/07/2016  -
literary walks in the Castelli d´Irpinia
17.00 Castello d´Aquino - Grottaminarda. Discussion meeting on the book WHO BELONG? Ettore Scola • Trevico
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Libero cinema in libera terra 03/07/2016  -
Free Cinema in Free Land
traveling cinema against mafias Festival. July 3, 21:00 Ridendo Scherzando
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Faccia Tenda 06/06/2016  -
Faccia Tenda
The pupils of the primary school have Treviolo "Face Tent", loosely based on the fairy tale of Cinderella. 15:30 pm in the school gym of Trevico
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Presentazione del libro "A chi appartieni? Ettore Scola - Trevico" 29/05/2016  -
Presentation of book "A chi appartieni? Ettore Scola - Trevico"
Benevento, 17.30, Fortress of the Rectors, as part of the synergies will be presented the book "Who do you belong" Caputo Cioria
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Arti e mestieri a scuola 27/05/2016  -
Arts and crafts at school
Final day of arts and crafts project in schools with a visit of the Valley alumni, and Vallesaccarda Scampitella starting from 9.00 am
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"A chi appartieni?" Ettore Scola - Trevico 14/05/2016  -
"A chi appartieni?" Ettore Scola - Trevico
Presentation of the book by Giuliana Caputo and Mariangela Cioria "Who do you belong? Ettore Scola - Trevico", 17.00, House of Culture Giuseppe Scola
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Il primo ciak. Omaggio al maestro Ettore Scola 10/05/2016  - 14/05/2016
The first take. Tribute to the maestro Ettore Scola
Film show at the House of Culture "Giuseppe Scola"
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Le nuove frontiere della fruizione e della narrazione  dei beni culturali 11/03/2016  - 13/03/2016
The new frontiers of enjoyment and narration of cultural heritage
21.30 - Cultural Centre "Ettore Scola" Trevico Cinema and identity narratives. Introduces Nicolino Rossi, Trevico Mayor. Presentation of the construction project of the Cultural Center "Ettore Scola". Followed by a screening: "Trevico-Torino - Travel in the Fiat-Nam" by Ettore Scola (Italy, 1973)
Leguminosa 2016 04/03/2016  - 06/03/2016
Leguminosa 2016
The Association participates in Irpinia Mia legume 2016, Naples, exposing pulses of the Baronia
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Presentazione del Libro Mestieri Domani 27/02/2016  -
Presentation of book "Mestieri Domani"
houre 17.30 in Ducal Castle of Bisaccia
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Presentazione del Libro Mestieri Domani 20/02/2016  -
Presentation of book "Mestieri Domani"
17.00 c / o Association of the Third Age - Irpina University of Free Time - V. O. Precious 8, Avellino
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FILM Ridendo e scherzando- Ritratto di un regista all´italiana 19/02/2016  -
FILM Ridendo e scherzando Ritratto di un regista all´italiana
On RAI 3 Houre 21:00
Mestieri Domani - Casina del Principe Avellino 06/01/2016  - 20/02/2016
Mestieri Domani - Casina del Principe Avellino
Jan. 6, 17:00 opening of the exhibition Crafts Tomorrow, Casina Prince Avellino, until February 20, 2016.
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