Home - Competition Irpinia Mia - Section photography Vai alla versione italiana Saturday 27 July 2024 4:42

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Competition My Irpinia 2010 << Back

Second Prize
Section Photography
of Sci Eliana
Waiting him
<< First prize Third prize >>

An image in clear dark color, as the shades and the lights of the soul of a heart in attended. A woman sits of shoulders on a wood bench, holding in womb a purse, as if he tried to hold back seizes to if, as if in this gesture there was the obstinate wish of not leave nothing, not even the memoirs.
The light is to its shoulders, while the shade is in front of if.
An image that recalls at the time same loneliness and intimacy, the desire it doesn't come to see its face, he could be that of whoever, because whoever can see himself in such lights and shades.
Marianna Farese
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