Home - Folk Festivals - Flea market of Cosette Vai alla versione italiana Saturday 27 July 2024 16:18

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Flea market of Cosette
IV Edition 2008

Flea market of Cosette In 2008 the market has seen, besides the traditional participation of numerous handicraft exhibitors, the splendid representation of the life of S. Euplio. Written and directed from Umberto Valentino and Gaetano Troiano, the representation has seen the participation of figuring of the Company of the Argante, of actors of the Officina of Spettacolo, of historical associations, corps of ballets, the actor Gaetano Troiano and Piero Pepe.
Thanks to the historical sources and the suggestions supplied from the parish priest Don Michele, the company has dearly interpreted the painful vicissitude of the persecutions of the Christians perpetrated of Diocleziano emperor that carried to the decapitation of the Euplio young person.

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