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Dij avit'n' iumara sorda, nun passà ca t'anniegh'.
God avoid us from a dull stream, do not pass or drown.

Dij avit'n' r' 'n'z'ngalat' mij.
God deliver us from malformations.

Dij avit'n' ra lu p'rocchij carut' n'dà la farina.
God deliver us from the louse fell into the flour.

Dij avit'n' ra lu ricch' app'zz'ndì e lu pov'r' arr'cchì.
God deliver us from the rich man that becomes poor and the poor that become rich.

Dij scanz'c' ra chi uarda n'erra.
God deliver us from the viewer on the ground.

Donna, nun d' fa abb' r' li mij rulur' ca quann' li mij so biecchij, li tuij so nuov'.
Woman, do not make fun of my pain because when my old will, your will be new.

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