Home - The Baronia - Vallesaccarda Vai alla versione italiana Saturday 27 July 2024 10:25

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Town of Vallesaccarda

Coat of arms of town hall of Vallesaccarda
Inhabitant: 1442 (707M 735F)
Surface: 14 Kmq
Altitude: 650 m s.l.m.
Phone Code: 0827
Postal Code: 83050

In the medieval ages Vallesaccarda followed the historical and administrative fortunes of the Barony of Vico. It was a hamlet of Trevico until 1958. It is close to the Fiumarella river, which is a tributary of the Ufita.
The Immacolata Church was built during the course of the XVII century and was completely reconstructed in a modern style after the earthquake of 1980.

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