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Church of St. Vito

Church of St. Vito
The original church, built in 1700, was the chapel of the family Petrilli, and was in nearby fraction of S. Vito about 3 km from the center. The earthquake of 1962 destroyed it and was demolished in 1967.
Until 2006 there was only a wooden building containing the statue of St. Vito, with two dogs in silver on leash. Finally in 2007, with the help and solidarity of the devotees, the church was rebuilt and inaugurated on 15 June. On 9 September the same year, on the anniversary of the festival, the Saint, that because of the reconstruction had been transferred to Trevico, has returned to his Church acclaimed by a crowd of faithful.
All objects within the church were donated by the faithful: 8 banks, 8 wooden candlesticks, 14 icons representing the Via Crucis, stoup in stone. Outside there is a wrought iron fence erected by Antonio Colicchio.
June 15, 2012, the parish priest, Fr Michael Cogliani, presented a certificate of merit to Antonio Pagliarulo, Visco Peter and Solimine Gerardo for their effective collaboration in the construction of the Church of S.Vito.

Church of St. Vito

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