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The Crypt

The Crypt Located in in-body of the Cathedral, but with separate entrance (the Gothic portal presents the date 1409 and two friezes in bas-relief) would seem to be the first pagan temple dedicated to the goddess Trivia. It was reopened after the earthquake of 1980 because the entrance was blocked by masonry and iron bars because the environment was filled with human bones.
During the restoration came to light: the sacrificial altar, two wooden statues of the Madonna of Libera, one dating from the fourteenth century and the other from the sixteenth century; stone artifacts and tuff; traces of frescoes, the latter probably work of students from Naples of Giotto.
The Crypt Entering into Crypt, to right, is located an internal portal on which is walled up a statue of St. Paul the Apostle. On central pillar, are painted two figures difficult to recognize. Could be St. Mark African, the first Bishop of Diocese and St. Euplio patron of Trevico.
The Crypt is still rich in meaning for orientation towards the rising of the sun (Christ the true light), for the theory of light (the window under the throne of Christ your floods of the rays of the early morning sun, the two single of the southeast side your flood of light throughout the day), for the destination secular to burial of several generations and finally for the medieval paintings.
The Crypt The apsidal cycle of about 11 square meters, has centered in Jesus Christ enthroned, surrounded by Saints Peter the Apostle, Catherine of Alexandria and Antonio Abate on the right; John the Baptist, Madonna with Child and Guglielmo Vercelli to left. The Christ surrounded by saints reminds to visitor that the greatness, the lordship, the liberation of man, is based on the sacrifice, the donation amorous of one's humanity and on the truth Jesus Christ.
The Crypt After the internal portal, you can admire a triptych depicting St. Dominic of Guzman, St. Catherine of Siena and hooded of a coven of Trevico.
On the left side is placed a panel depicting the Madonna with Child of the fifteenth century.
The Crypt In front of the entrance to the crypt is a centuries-old Lime (1692) where in the nineteenth century brought together officials of the municipality to discuss the important issues. During the period of banditry, between 1820 and 1860, was used to hang yourself some robber.

The Crypt

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